TTI continues to improve its Door to Door services on NEXLOG LMS platform –

Travel Technology Interactive (TTI) provides solutions for the air transport industry and was born using Cloud technology 20 years ago.

TTI offers two products: Zenith and Nexlog.

Zenith is a Passenger Service System (PSS) platform with more than 20 years in the market. Nexlog is a complete Logistics Management Solution (LMS), with more than 15 years.

Nexlog was born benefiting from the experience of some of its customers. Initially, in Brazil, with a strong focus on the domestic market, Nexlog served important customers and partners, such as Vaspex, Correios and Variglog. By this time, Nexlog started its development of Door to Door transportation features.

Due to the evolution in the Brazilian market, Nexlog is today the only LMS platform with native integration with SEFAZ (Brazilian Department of Treasury) for the issuance of CT-e (Brazilian AWB – Air Way Bill) and MDF-e (Brazilian Transportation Manifest), being largely recognized in the market by its agility and speed in cargo processing, due to the efficiency of the platform.

With the evolution of this knowhow, Nexlog has been improving its Door to Door transportation service, with the introduction of best practices, aiming at reducing costs, increasing efficiency and security in the processes for its customers.

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Modern Logistics

A TTi desenvolvedora das Plataformas Zenith e Nexlog, tem olhado para cada cliente de uma maneira única. Esse foco no cliente é motivo de nossa boa colheita de resultados. A

Nexlog estará presente em feira sobre logística.

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